Those kids are the hope of their generation – and the redemption of ours.
are the tools of the enemy –
Lies from the pit of hell.
Hell is the incubator of all deception and debauchery.
And Hell is hungry to digest our souls. And theirs.
Hell robs and distracts and isolates and pats us on the back for our limited vision.
Hell runs ahead with a wicked flame that draws us like insects to a bug zapper.
Hell holds us captive and confuses our thoughts and convinces us we can’t.
And I say Hell?
This is war.
And reach out for the remnant of young Millennials.
and Xennials
and Gen Z’s
We are all gonna lose. And lose big!
Cause the Gen Alphas are coming up fast.
And they are that farther away from our influence.
that I have it from a reliable source
that there are, in fact, youngins
who want to know us?
And they need our influence,
And crave our wisdom!
Yes- it’s true!
I have heard a cry, clear and strong, It was a cry for help.
And she has assured me that there are more like her!
Want to know what works and what doesn’t.
What helps and what hurts.
Want to learn from our joys and our pains.
Want to know how we did it all so they know how to do it all.
Want to know that there is hope even in the darkest deserts of life.
“That’s not my calling or ministry or gifting,”
To myself I hear my own voice saying - are you kidding?
Or in their Millennial language - Are you serious right now?
And I hear the voice of God say – You can’t be serious?
I’m still healing. I’ve made too many mistakes.
My voice is small, and the world is loud.
I’m retired now. I’m old and outdated.
I’m busy. Not sure how to relate.
Enough staying with our own kind.
Enough segregation.
Enough excuses.
God is not impressed.
It’s time to take all the joys and sorrows and pains and pressures
And triumphs and failures,
And melt them over these hungry young souls,
And give them friendship and hope and encouragement and love.
But not yet.
There is still time to pursue obedience
Even while surrounded by the voice of Hell.
It won’t be for the lunches I organized for my old gal’s book club.
It won’t be for the number of cruises I took in retirement.
Or bus tours to a Holy Land exhibit or art gallery.
That led me to step out of my comfort zone
To understand that the work God did in my life
wasn’t just for me but for His Glory and His young lambs.
It will be to realize my selfish heart for keeping myself to myself.
It will be for the lives I’ve touched with the love of God and the hope of Jesus.
Is to get up off it and run with the
Young sheep!