Cheek to Cheek

Paul, who authored so many books in the New Testament, felt that Christ's return would be soon. I can relate to this even today. Surely it can't get much worse! I suppose it's all relevant. Grandma told me years ago that she had the same fear as I did just different worries. In this fallen world there will be pain and great conflict.

My hope in God and the promises of Scripture are the solid anchors that hold me firm. Faith. It's what I have. It is a sort of full sighted blind trust. I turn my eyes away from evil, remain slightly shielded from its activity and keep my eyes on God. At times I put my head down, close my eyes and push forward. If I were to dwell on what was dancing all around, I could lose hope.

Here is a balm for a fearful heart. Regardless of the latest headlines or personal struggle, God is involved and in control. He's not ringing His hands in frustration wondering what to do next. He's got this!

We are not in the Garden and this living is not the living God designed. No wonder there are bruises. Instead of physically leaning against His shoulder as I'm sure Eve could have done, we need to lean deep into the faith that never fails. This is not the destination. This is the journey. Regardless of what happens in life, our future is with God. We have maybe 80 or so years on earth. Let’s just do this. On the other side is forever with God. That has to be enough for now. That can be enough.

I think of the times I told my little boys to trust me even though they couldn't understand. I was the mommy and I could see so much farther than their little world. I would hold their tiny face in my hands and whisper calm in their ear. Mine was a soothing voice they could trust. When one had blood taken. When another had surgery. I got cheek to cheek with them and spoke comfort against their fear. I cooed and soothed like a mama dove. 
Resolve to stay cheek to cheek with God today. This nearness will assure that you will hear His voice above the drone of discontent crying all around. He will keep your heart calm and your hope assured.

Hebrews 6:17-18 (ESV)
So when God desired to show more convincingly to the heirs of the promise the unchangeable character of his purpose, he guaranteed it with an oath, so that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us.

Content and Image 2015 © Charlene M Campanella (May not be used or reproduced in any fashion without written consent from the author)

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