Secure in Christ
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 2022 AT 7:11 AM
Hanging in Romans 8 today. Looking for reassurance of my security in Christ. Verse 29 talks about how God will conform me to the image of His son by using all things in my life and around my life (v. 28) to effect that conformation. His purpose is to make me an exact replica of Jesus. Well how much is that gonna take ?!!
(Rhetorical question!)
My notes refer to the “prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil 3:14) as being this conformation, this pruning, this chiseling away at the hard stone of my heart to make it into a heart that models that of Christs - a heart of flesh. This is the prize - the reward - the blue ribbon of my salvation. This takes surrender on steroids.
My whole person must undergo rigorous work in order to replace the old man or old self with the new. (Rom 6:6; Eph 4:22) He uses what I perceive as both good and bad to accomplish this in me for His glory. To Him it’s all good.
How much it must grieve Him when I kick and fight and scream at the pain in this life. While His own Son uttered not a word in His walk. Even in agony at what He knew was coming He chose to focus on the will of His Father (Matt 26:39)
God knows the outcome and it is beautiful!
O soul get right with God quickly. Move my feet to His path not my own. You’ve suffered childbirth. How similar. The outcome is joy and the deepest love that can be known this side of heaven. This life won’t last forever. Keep your arms open and hands reaching for the goal.