Psalm 37:3Trust in the Lord and do good; Dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.

Here are 4 imperatives. Trust. Do Good. Dwell. Befriend. All require action. All require cooperation.

Settled at the beginning of the testimony of Psalm 37 are my marching orders. And God will provide everything I need for the journey.

When the world outside my window looks frightening and unfair and cold and desolate and flowerless and loveless and hopeless –

           I need to trust in who You are. I need to stare straight in Your face and take courage.

When through the media I see lonely and hungry and lost people hurting and being hurt –

           I need show them the love of Jesus Your Son. I need to live out the Gospel of love.

When from the crowd I hear of unrest and dissatisfaction and anger and persecution –

          I need to dwell under the protection of Your roof, safe in Your hand. Unafraid.  

          And flourish!

When I feel inside the fear and insecurity and confusion of this life we live out of the Garden –

          I need to make Your faithfulness my constant companion; to rest in Your promises.

When I trust with my whole heart and do good with my hands and dwell with my mind; and when my deepest yearnings draw me to feed on Your Word, my soul will know the peace of a home in You.

Content and Image 2022 © Charlene M Campanella (May not be used or reproduced in any fashion without written consent from the author)


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